Fairey, T., Cubillos Rodriguez, E.A. and Muñoz, M. (2023) ‘Photography and Everyday Peacebuilding.  Examining the impact of photographing everyday peace in Colombia.’ Peacebuilding

Fairey, T. (2023) ‘Peace is possible: The role of strategic narratives in peacebuilding’, Media, War & Conflict

Fairey, T., Firchow, P. and Dixon, P. (2022) ‘Images and Indicators: mixing participatory methods to build inclusive rigour’, Action Research . Available at:

Redwood, H., Fairey, T. and Hasić, J. (2022) ‘Hybrid Peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina:  Participatory Arts and Youth Activism as Vehicles of Social Change’, Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, 1(16).

Kostovicova, D. et al. (2022) ‘The “Digital Turn” in Transitional Justice Research: Evaluating Image and Text as Data in the Western Balkans’, Contemporary Southeastern European Studies, 70(1), pp. 24–46.

Fairey, T; Kerr, R; Petrovic, J; Gow, J.   2020.  ‘New Bearings on Post-Conflict Evaluation: A Principles Based Approach’.  King’s College London.

Fairey, Tiffany & Rachel Kerr. 2020. ‘What Works?  Creative Approaches to Transitional Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina.’ International Journal of Transitional Justice.

Fairey, Tiffany. 2019. ‘One Photo: (Un) Photographing Peace’.  Photography & Culture Special Issue: Photography As Dialogue.  Vol 12, Issue 3. 

Fairey, Tiffany & Orton, L (eds). 2019. ‘Introduction: Photography As Dialogue’. Special Issue: Photography As Dialogue.  Photography & Culture.  Vol 12, Issue 3.  

Fairey, Tiffany. 2019. ‘Building a history of citizen photography: The TAFOS Story’. Photography and Culture. Volume 12, Issue 1

Fairey, Tiffany. 2019. ‘Evaluation Report: Balkans Diskurs Youth Correspondents Programme, Bosnia and Herzegovina’. Art & Reconciliation Working Paper Series.

Fairey, Tiffany. 2018. ‘Whose Photo?  Whose Voice?  Who Listens? “Giving”, Silencing and Listening to Voice in Participatory Visual Projects’. Visual Studies 33 (2): 111–26.

Fairey, Tiffany. 2018. ‘Participatory Arts and Peace-Building: Embodying and Challenging Reconciliation’. In Participatory Arts for Invisible Communities: PAIC; Irena Sertić (Ed), 204–14. Omnimedia.

Fairey, Tiffany. 2018. ‘Does the Impact of Participatory Arts Endure over Time?  Longitudinal Research and Strengthening the Case for Participatory Arts and Media’. In Participatory Arts for Invisible Communities: PAIC; Irena Sertić (Ed), 181–88. Omnimedia

Fairey, Tiffany. 2017. ‘The Arts in Peace-Building and Reconciliation: Mapping Practice’.   Art & Reconciliation Working Paper Series.

Fairey, Tiffany. 2017. ‘These Photos Were My Life: Understanding the Impact of Participatory Photography Projects’. Community Development Journal 1 (19). (6,954 words)

PhD Thesis (2015): Whose Picture Are These? Re-framing the promise of participatory photography.



  • PV Methodology Series 3: Therapeutic photography: photography as a tool for promoting well-being (2010): Lead Author

  • PhotoVoice Statement of Ethical Practice (2009): Co-author

  • New Londoners: Reflections on home, published by Trolley Books (2008)

  • PV Methodology Series 1: Photography for Integration: photography with young refugees (2008): Co-author

  • PV Methodology Series 2: Change the Picture: photography with vulnerable women (2008) : Contributing author

  • PhotoVoice manual for participatory photography (2007): Contributing author